Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Angel's Guide to Compliments

Inspired by my "adorable" co-worker who shall remain nameless (not forever, I don't have the power to take away names...not yet.) I digress...
Here is the conversation at work the other day
Me: So, how old are you? (in context, it was a little less creeper sounding.)
T: 21
Me: Yikes...
T: What? Young'n?
Me: Yeah, well, kind of. I guess I AM only 28
T: Geez..
Me: Thanks dude. *smile*
T: Yeah, that was probably the wrong response. I just wasn't sure how you felt about compliments so...that came out.
Me: I like them.
T: Good.

Never do that. The end.

fantastic first day at the new job lol

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