Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Little Sophie

The newest addition to our family Sophie! She's half dachshund, half Pomeranian and so far, the sweetest puppy ever! <3

Monday, September 20, 2010

A quick guide to dreads: Washing

The Dreaded Dread Care.
Washing your hair: When and how?
The thought of washing your hair once a week to keep your dreads nice sounds a little backwards but it works! First of all, you don't want the water to loosen up your (still forming) dreads. Now, the issue of funky smelling locks. When you wash them too much, they aren't getting a chance to dry thoroughly which traps the moisture in, while mixing with the wax and creating mildew, which is gross. So, in order to avoid all of that and still have nice dreads and a nice clean scalp, here a few options:
1.Wash your hair once a week with a dread soap/shampoo (I will post my recommendations at the bottom)-Waiting a week gives them plenty of time to completely dry and that's when it is safe to wash again.
2. If you are totally uncomfortable with waiting that long to wash them, you can blow dry them after which will shorten your waiting time a bit. Maybe blow drying a little everyday for 3-4 days and then wash, as opposed to 7 days. (If you can hold off for the whole week, it will result in tighter, cleaner dreads)
How to wash: Using a good dread soap/shampoo and water. The most impotant thing is keeping your scalp clean. The best way to do this is lather the wash on your hands and massage it into your scalp with your finger tips, then rinse it out. When I had my dreads, the most I would do to the actual hair was, take the soap on my hands, lightly squeeze the dreads and rinse out. That should be enough to clean them without building up soapy residue.

Here are some websites and products that will keep your dread in fantastic shape!
Sally's Beauty Supply

Products @ knottyboy.com
Deluxe Dreadlock Starter Kit-
Knotty Boy Dreadlock Shampoo Bar
Knotty Boy Liquid Dreadlock Shampoo

Dreadlock Rescue Combo
Knot-Tea Scalp Tonic


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Angel's Guide to Compliments

Inspired by my "adorable" co-worker who shall remain nameless (not forever, I don't have the power to take away names...not yet.) I digress...
Here is the conversation at work the other day
Me: So, how old are you? (in context, it was a little less creeper sounding.)
T: 21
Me: Yikes...
T: What? Young'n?
Me: Yeah, well, kind of. I guess I AM only 28
T: Geez..
Me: Thanks dude. *smile*
T: Yeah, that was probably the wrong response. I just wasn't sure how you felt about compliments so...that came out.
Me: I like them.
T: Good.

Never do that. The end.

fantastic first day at the new job lol

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Love your life, it's the only you have...

This is a message to everyone, but especially my younger friends.
Promise me that you will never grow up! Ok, I know that might be an impossible promise to make, and if it is then please just don't lose sight of what is important to you right now. Sometimes, in very sad situations, people grow up and become complete "tools." Innocence is shot and you are no longer an adorable kind hearted person. Simple things that used to make you happy slowly fade away. Your imagination dies and you become a slave to routine. Don't get me wrong, I am not talking about the good kind of routine.The organized well balanced fun loving people who have routines that work for them, that's wonderful. Just don't get sucked into the drama and the bull-shit that comes along with being an adult. As much drama as you feel now, it will only double from now on. Things will become harder, more stressful. You will be overcome with anxiety and depression when you can't make ends meet or you have an important deadline or you have to answer to someone who makes you feel like you are beneath them. Do not become jaded and shallow just because you feel like you have to, to fit in. Being human is a wonderful gift if you treat it that way. Surround yourself with people who love and care for you. Eliminate those who put you down and make you feel like you don't deserve happiness. Always be as kind as you can because there are a lot of people in this world that will show you the same kindness and it will open your eyes to a whole new way of living. Never forget to love. Love your friends, love your family, love your lovers. Find something that you are passionate about and hold on to that like it's the only thing you have left. Keep your imagination flowing, never let that die. Try and imagine things so colorful and beautiful and happy that it almost has to be child-like. Take this world one step at a time, if you go to fast, you will lose yourself along the way. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something, that you will never be good enough. Most of all, don't forget about one of the only things that no one can take away from you, your opinions and your free-thinking. People will try, they will argue and tell you that you are wrong and they are right, but if you hold to you beliefs and your opinions then that's exactly what they are, they are yours. The only way you can lose them is if you give them away. Fall in love as much as possible. It's painful but it's so beautiful and it will teach you things that you could never learn in school or from a book. Every once and awhile, put down the books, get out of your house and go have experiences (good ones) Ones that will become fond memories. Love, passion, peace, friends, family, free-thinking and good memories will free you and allow you to keep a part of your young spirit and innocence forever. I wish everyone the best life you can possibly have.
p.s. I haven't slept in a very long time and my artist brain is going a little crazy right
now, but I do mean every word of this, I just hope it makes sense. :)
I love you all

Friday, January 30, 2009


Oh, how wonderful life could be if I were playing music. If I were to compose on that piano and sing until my heart bursts from my chest, I'll feel the blood flowing in my veins, I'll feel my heart rate speed up and I will once again find happiness and passion in the arts. Who's this? You're coming up to me like a walking answer to all of my stifled brain's problems. Play it cool, Angel, don't come on too strong. Cool like a cat now asking you to join me in my trip. Come follow me, into a world where the music never stops. How stange, Mr. Muse, to come into my life at such a perfect time. Now, I think I can see, what happens from here, give me a beat, I'm ready to on.